A classic Victorian town garden
116 Hargraves Street, Castlemaine
(corner of Berkeley Street)

The garden of Harley came into the care of the current owners in 2011.
Structure was provided by some mature planting but there were many gaps due to the ravages of the millennium drought.
Over the last 13 years the gaps have been filled and new garden beds created emphasising variety, texture and colour. Adding further interest are ground-cover alternatives to lawn and under-storey planting.
This garden showcases a variety of plants that will survive in an environment of clay soil, severe winter frosts and hot, dry summers.
Harley is still evolving around the late-Victorian house.
- Bronwyn and John
m: 0400 051511 - A mainly flat garden but some changes in level.
Good parking with shade in Berkeley Street. Seating available. Toilet available - Wheelchair access: some gravel and steps. Dogs on leads
- Open every day except Thursday 7th November, 10.00am – 4.00pm
- $5.00 per adult, children free