A stunning garden and inspirational ideas
MOSSBANK is a country cottage garden filled with perennials, salvias, roses, annuals surrounding the mudbrick buildings and stone walls.
On the perimeter of the property native and exotic trees, including white cedars, pinoak, chinese elms, grevilleas and acacias.
Mossbank has many noteworthy ideas:
drystone walls, solar water features, espaliered enclosed vegetable garden, orchard, olives and beehives.
The garden has a harmonious array of texture, colour and structure and is also a “Land for Wildlife” property.
Latest additions added to the garden are the greenhouse and green-door garden room.
- Tea, coffee & light refreshments available
- Bus groups welcome
- Wheelchair access
- Art Gallery open
- B&B self-contained accommodation available
- No toilets, no dogs, water hazards
- Open every day
- 10.00 am — 5.00 pm
- $5.00 per adult, children free